Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

What would an adoption blog be without the obligatory MOTHER'S DAY post? C'mon now.

Okay, we hate this Hallmark Holiday as much as all y'all do. But this year for us will be different.

This year, we're spending it together. For the first time in 38 years.

I'm on the way to the airport to pick her up. She is coming for my graduation, but in trying to ignore the Hallmark Holiday, we didn't even realize that she was going to be here over Mother's Day. We scored.

So I decided this year, she deserved what she has never received - a homemade Mother's Day Card, made out of a folded piece of paper and drawn in purple crayon. I drew a couple of stick figures in it with hearts and stuff. The inside says:

So here it is - that awful day
I used to wish to forget.
I loved you every Mother's Day
Even though we never met.

But this year's very different -
Today won't be a fight
Cuz we've got wine and cheese and each other
And we'll do this day up RIGHT.

I know, I know, it won't win any awards, but hey, it's how I feel, okay?

I will be thinking of all of my fellow adoptees and natural moms out there - those who were lucky enough to overthrow the system, get the paperwork you weren't "entitled" to, and fight through the fog to find each other.

Most of all, I will be thinking of all of you that can't share this day together and hoping you find the strength to cope.

Mother's Day: The Day Adoption Sucks for Everyone.

Let's just all get drunk. We deserve it. Cheers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your description of the card put a big big smile on my face. Priceless!!

Glad you and your mom got to spend the day together.
